jt's treehouse

When a boy says he "needs a clubhouse," he needs a clubhouse! Two sturdy oaks later- with assists from family and friends (ifriends, too!)- this clubhouse should have this dad up a tree...and just in time, too!

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

A Gold Mine!...

Every treehouse needs some windows and a door. Well folks, windows and doors sure are expensive. For several weeks now I have been cruising the neighborhood on garbage nights, looking for that rare window or door that may have made it's way out to the curb thanks to the annual spring purge. My friends, neighbors and co-workers are all on the lookout on my behalf as well.

Outside of a couple of 2' x 4' fixed skylights that weigh a ton, things haven't been looking very good in this department...Until today!

It turns out our neighbor across the street is moving. They have already sold, and have purchased a small ranch on a large chunk of property nearby with plans to raze it and put up a 4500 square foot colonial. At the bus stop this afternoon she lets jt and I know that she has found a bunch of windows in the basement of the "condemned" ranch. She tells me that we could have them, and asks if I would like to head over right then to take a look see.

"Absolutely!" I head over to this house and meet her and her 4 kids there. She shows me these old doublehungs in the basement. They are in good enough shape, but I would have to build frames for them myself in order to make them working windows. Hmmm...

Then it hit me. What about all of the existing windows in this soon to be non-existant house!? I ask, and she tells me that I can take whatever I want. As soon as she gets a firm demo date, she will let me know and I can go nuts with a sawzall! Windows, a dutch door, a flag pole, even a working skylight- aall miiiine!



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