jt's treehouse

When a boy says he "needs a clubhouse," he needs a clubhouse! Two sturdy oaks later- with assists from family and friends (ifriends, too!)- this clubhouse should have this dad up a tree...and just in time, too!

Monday, March 27, 2006

jt's treehouse wish list, Part I...

(a dialogue...)
Okay, jt- tell me what you have on that list there.
In my treehouse I would like...
A tire swing in the bottom.
A fireman's pole outside like at the playground.
Okay, check.
An upstairs.
Easy does it, Little Man- how 'bout a sleeping loft? Like the top of a bunkbed? Big enough for two of you to play Gameboy or something.
:sigh: Okay.
A telescope.
Check... You little peeping Tom, you.
What? Nevermind- next?
One of my walkie-talkies. Mom will have the other one in the kitchen. Cool. Check.
A refrigerator. Stop. Maybe a cooler.
A fireplace.
You are not having a fireplace in your treehouse.
A doorbell. I think we can work something out.
A T.V. I don't think so. Isn't it past your bedtime?


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