jt's treehouse

When a boy says he "needs a clubhouse," he needs a clubhouse! Two sturdy oaks later- with assists from family and friends (ifriends, too!)- this clubhouse should have this dad up a tree...and just in time, too!

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

My treehouse vacation...

Next week. All treehouse, all the time. I don't know how much actual work I'll be getting done on the treehouse itself, but at least I'll be able to get everything rolling. Spend the time that I don't usually have available to sit down and modify this plan that I have. Make sure that it works for us. Then I'll need to compile a finalized lumber and parts list and locate the requisite tools.

Most important of all, I'll need to comitt to ordering the GL's, specialized drill bit and brackets from Michael Garnier & Co. at Treehouses.com. I sent him an email tonight looking to set up an appointment for a "land line" conversation, and hopefully order the parts.

I have some questions about our trees and the whole "swinging treehouse" thing.


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