Baluster Business And More...
When a boy says he "needs a clubhouse," he needs a clubhouse! Two sturdy oaks later- with assists from family and friends (ifriends, too!)- this clubhouse should have this dad up a tree...and just in time, too!
Today is THE big day! Seeing as how it fell on a week day this year, Mom was up late last night baking the obligatory Birthday Cupcakes for school.
Okay. Not reeally railing about railings, just glad to get started is all. When we made the trip to Loews for that handy 4x4 post mounting bracket anchor thingee, we also picked up all the goodies needed to assemble the railings, balusters, etc.
Seeing as how these posts have been exposed to the elements since pretty much day one it's actually a little suprising that only one of them has suffered...alot.