jt's treehouse

When a boy says he "needs a clubhouse," he needs a clubhouse! Two sturdy oaks later- with assists from family and friends (ifriends, too!)- this clubhouse should have this dad up a tree...and just in time, too!

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Merry Christmas!

No new work done on JT's Treehouse, but there sure is alot to celebrate, isn't there JT?

Yep! Today is Christmas Eve, and I can't wait to see all the presents under our tree in the morning! Tonight we go to church, then we will be going out to a great Christmas Eve dinner! Merry Christmas to all, and to all a goodnight!

Sunday, December 03, 2006

They're Baaack!...

Lee and Co. made it back again!

Our first repeat "Barn Raiser" returned today, again accompanied by one half of his harem. We got the other roof beam up and with Nate's assistance proceeded to get the cross beams up as well.

This baby feels real solid now that all the main beams are up and secured. Lee thinks that if we have a couple more hands next weekend we can make a real go of framing the walls, putting the windows and door in and getting the roof and siding on.

That sure would make for one heck of a Christmas present!

Rumor has it that Lee's wife Stephanie and their little girl might come out next weekend to see what all the fuss is about. This would mark one of those rare occasions where the girls outnumber the boys at our house. Esther will be loving that!

Lee, myself and Nate enjoy solid "ground."

Saturday, December 02, 2006

JT Takes in The View.

Today I managed to add the deck joists and the third deck railing support- all things I could do by myself thanks to all the help we got getting this baby up last weekend.

JT made his first climb up and onto the temorary floor. Without any railings he was a little wary of the height, but took it all in anyway. He just stayed close to me. Reeeal close.

Whoooaah! Awwwesome!

That about sums it up, alright.