jt's treehouse

When a boy says he "needs a clubhouse," he needs a clubhouse! Two sturdy oaks later- with assists from family and friends (ifriends, too!)- this clubhouse should have this dad up a tree...and just in time, too!

Monday, October 08, 2007

Up on the roof...Redoux.

I didn't get any pictures of Uncle Kevin hauling 50lb bundles of shingles up onto the roof because once again I was too busy getting in position to catch him should gravity take over.

Now that would've been a picture.

My bro is a monster. Were I flying solo I would have been carrying a couple at a time. Shingles that is, most definitely not bundles.

We didn't do too shabby a job for our first roof. Making use of vinyl siding "J" channels we first capped the ends of our plywood roof. A little fudging here and there with the shingles, nothing too drastic, and before long we were done.

Scratch that. It felt REEEAL long!

Note: Heavy duty plastic knee pads seem like a great idea for several hours of kneeling on a roof, but only serve to increase the "slippage coefficient" on asphalt shingles. They had to go before I did.

We used a liberal amount of roofing cement around the edges to help prevent leaks and blowoff...and I a liberal dose of Advil for the knees. This morning, with rain in the forecast for tomorrow, I cemented a combination of galvenized drip cap and stainless flashing on the uphill edge. Sweet.

Mo' shingles, mo' shingles!

Almost half way there.

On top of the world...and almost done.

My knees are NOT smiling.

"J" channel trim at work...

Drip cap and flashing on upper edge.