jt's treehouse

When a boy says he "needs a clubhouse," he needs a clubhouse! Two sturdy oaks later- with assists from family and friends (ifriends, too!)- this clubhouse should have this dad up a tree...and just in time, too!

Friday, May 19, 2006

What's new?...

Been a few days since we last posted an update here. A combination of copious amounts of weekend rains combined with a little uncertainty in our engineering (read: math) department have led to a brief stall in our treehouse quest.

Seeing as how this wire rope represents the hypothenus of a triangle in our treehouse plans, it was imperitive that we determine it's length in order to move forward. A little hunting around and I came up with the time worn mathematical equation that we needed.

__(a squared-distance from bottom GL to eyebolt)
+ (b squared-distance from bottom GL to top GL)
__c squared- distance from top GL to eyebolt

Subtract from that the length of one half way opened turnbuckle and we're looking to order that wire rope this week!


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